lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Last news

Dear colleagues,
We thank all the participants who have sent a proposal, both for the high quality of the submissions and for the high number of contributions received. In the next days, we will contact you to confirm possible acceptations and type of contribution accepted. The full programme will be made available in the first weeks of March.
We are happy to announce that we have applied for recognition of our workshop for Castilla-La Mancha non-university teachers. Similarly, we have applied for 1 ECTS credit for UCLM students.
In a few days, once acceptance has been communicated to all the participants, we will upload a link to the Workshop registration form, so that contributors and attendants will be able to register. In that form you will find the bank account number and the payment method.
UCLM students who are interested in ECTS credit recognition must not fill in the given form, but rather they will have to register at the Faculty of Education in Toledo (Secretary).

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